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What are tension threads?

The tension threads can be made of different materials that can be non-resorbable or resorbable (we usually use resorbable, polydioxanone PDO) and can have a smooth surface, with hooks in one direction or in two directions, cones, irregular surface… the options are multiple and different types of threads can be associated. They are used in aesthetic medicine for different purposes, mainly to tighten and raise sagging tissues. They are indicated for patients of all ages.

How do they act?

The threads act by a double mechanism: initially they raise the fabrics by acting like Velcro, holding in an upward direction, and therefore at the end of the consultation you can see how the folds produced by the hanging fabrics are attenuated or how they have been repositioned. the cheek or the eyebrows or the neck. After a month of having them placed, the formation of collagen is induced, which acts as a good scar that replaces the thread that has begun to be reabsorbed and continues to lift the tissues. It is important to emphasize that threads, unlike fillers, do not add volume. If you want to add a volumizing effect to the tightening effect, a combined treatment with hyaluronic acid or a treatment with calcium hydroxyapatite (Radiesse) is probably better.

What can be corrected?

The threads have a lifting effect without requiring surgery, which is why they are so popular. The areas that we can improve are the nasolabial folds (folds at the corner of the mouth), the cheekbones, drooping or too straight eyebrows (which give a worried or unfeminine appearance), the loss of the facial oval (due to the drooping of the facial fat towards the jaw, causing the face to be “squarer”), the sagging of the double chin or the skin on the neck… that is, they can be used for many purposes with very good results.


The introduction of threads into the skin below the dermis is carried out after injecting a little local anesthesia, so rather than hurting, it can be said that you can feel how they are placed. Of course, if there is a painful sensation, the entire path where the thread is going to be placed can be anesthetized. In addition to this local anesthesia we add topical anesthesia to improve tolerance to the treatment.

How long does the effect last?

Depending on the area acted upon and the number of threads placed, the effect can last from 1 to 2 years.

If I don’t like the result, is it reversible?

In principle its effect is not reversible. If the lifting effect they achieve is not desired or bothersome, you can try to remove them in consultation.

I have seen people with very strange faces, will it happen to me too?

Nowadays, we are looking for “natural” results, that is, those that improve our appearance without attracting attention. The goal is to feel better about one’s appearance without noticing that a substance has been injected into our face.

Can I combine other aesthetic treatments?

Treatment with botulinum toxin can be combined on the same day without problem. In the case of other treatments, they can be brought forward or postponed depending on each case.

Can touch-ups be made?

Yes, the patient is usually reviewed after 2 weeks to check if the result is good and the patient is satisfied.

What are the most common side effects?

Like any medical treatment, threads cannot be applied to everyone. They should NOT be used in patients allergic to polydioxanone or lidocaine, patients with autoimmune diseases, problems with coagulation or altered healing. You can always consult the doctor if you are not a candidate for this type of aesthetic treatment. Among the most common side effects are the appearance of bruising that usually subsides after a few days and the sensation of stings under the skin that usually disappears when the inflammatory reaction subsides after a few days. The most common thing, however, is not to notice any discomfort.

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