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High definition liposuction in Madrid

High definition liposuction or “hi definition liposuction” (commonly “hi def”) is an innovation with respect to conventional liposuction. If conventional liposuction consists of the aspiration of fat from the subcutaneous plane creating a monoplane of equal thickness in all treated areas, high definition liposuction consists of gradual and incremental aspiration in certain areas to create valleys and mountains, shadows and lights that They show the underlying musculature in a more defined way. The technique, described by Dr Alfredo Hoyos, a Colombian surgeon from Bogotá, clearly differentiates two planes of fat, the superficial plane and the deep plane.

Superficial fat and deep fat

The subcutaneous cellular tissue, that is, the fat, is distributed throughout the body in two well-differentiated planes, the superficial plane and the deep plane, with a layer of connective tissue that separates them through which the blood vessels travel, lymphatic vessels and peripheral nervous system. This intermediate connective layer receives different names from anatomists depending on the body region, Scarpa’s fascia, Camper’s fascia, etc., referring to the anatomists who discovered it.

Deep fat is a region of fat accumulation directly dependent on the diet, that is, it is a storehouse or deposit of fat for the body. Men and women have different areas of deep fat accumulation (in English, fat pad). In this way, women accumulate deep fat mostly in the shoulders, legs, chest, arms… while men accumulate it mainly in the abdominal region. On the face, the region with the greatest amount of fat accumulation is in the neck, under the jaw, which is commonly called double chin. Deep fat should be a target to address in any body sculpting liposuction.

Surface fat, on the other hand, is fairly constant throughout the body, and is fairly independent of diet or body mass index. Deep fat deposits must be saturated so that we begin to accumulate fat on the superficial plane. The arms and legs below the knees, especially in men, are areas of superficial fat that remain stable regardless of the individual’s weight. High-definition liposuction consists of selectively liposuctioning in the superficial fat areas where the tendons are located (valley or shadow areas) and respecting the superficial fat in the muscle areas (mountain or light areas), to highlight the muscles. underlying.

What are the differences between a Lipovaser and high definition liposuction?

The lipovaser is an ultrasound device that emulsifies fat and helps to separate the cutaneous plane from the subcutaneous plane. It is an extremely useful device in high-definition liposuction, but not all high-definition liposuctions require LIPOVASER nor do all liposuctions in which we apply VASER seek a high-definition result.

In the majority of LIPOVASER performed today, a “hi def” result is not sought, especially when we talk about liposuction in women, so in these cases we should not use the term high definition liposuction.

On the contrary, in men, unless the body mass index is greater than 30 or there is a lot of laxity, it would be advisable to perform high-definition liposuction to achieve a more harmonious and stable result over time.

High definition liposuction and six pack abs?

Two other terms that are confused. Most surgeons today perform some type of abdominal marking or “SIX PACK”. The problem with abdominal marking WITHOUT high-definition liposuction is that the “SIX PACK” is the culmination of a defined body. Most people, even athletes, despite being thin and in good shape, do not have a marked abdomen. As the area of ​​greatest deep fat deposit in men is in the abdominal region, specifically in the infraumbilical region, to have a defined abdomen the percentage of body fat must be really low, traditionally below 10%. It makes no sense to have “SIX PACK” if the rest of the body does not match that level of definition. For that reason, abdominal marking should only be done in the context of high-definition liposuction where we would have marked the upper back, lumbar region, arms, legs, thighs… and to top it all off, the six pack.

Duration of the intervention

The duration of the operation ranges between 4 and 6 hours, any operation that is advertised as high definition liposuction and lasts less than 4 hours, except in very thin patients, should be suspicious.

Preparation for surgery

  • We must have a hemoglobin preferably above 13. With a hemoglobin of 12, surgery can be done as long as the volume of fat that we are going to extract is moderate. With a hemoglobin of 11 we should postpone surgery and give oral iron treatment.
  • Absence of comorbidity: patients with asthma or type 1 diabetes will be studied in detail by our anesthetists. In these cases it may be necessary to spend the first night in an intensive care unit to maximize postoperative control.
  • Realistic expectations: Not all patients are candidates for high-definition liposuction and not all patients have abdominal, arms, back, etc. In the same way, there is individual variability that has to do with the way of healing internally.


The surgery is performed at the Moncloa Hospital. The duration is 4 to 6 hours. All interventions are performed under general anesthesia and with overnight hospital stay. Hospitalization is carried out in a suite at the Moncloa Hospital, providing personalized care with a nurse available for each patient.

Recovery from surgery

  • The day after the intervention, Dr Forcada or a member of his team will come by to perform a pre-discharge assessment.
  • The first postoperative massage or lymphatic drainage is performed 48 hours after surgery at CLINICA FORCADA. In this massage, anti-inflammatory ultrasounds and manual lymphatic drainage will be applied.
  • The patient will be discharged with aspiration drains that are removed one week after surgery.
  • The usual medication consists of antibiotics, anti-inflammatories and subcutaneous heparin to minimize thrombi.

Surgery result

The final result of the surgery will not be assessed before 6 months after the intervention. Usually, the marking is seen during the first days and then disappears and is not visible until months after the intervention.

Liposuction does not prevent gaining weight in the future, so weight and body mass index must remain stable to achieve the optimal result.


Calle Velazquez 83 Madrid cp 28006

+34 91 166 70 97

+34 625 02 64 96

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Clínica Casas C/ Villabenavente, 11-1ºD León

+34 91 166 70 97

+34 625 02 64 96

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