Dr. Álvaro de Arriba is an expert Rhinoplasty Surgeon. Since 2021, it has been International and European Board Certified in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery . It is the most prestigious international title in the field of Facial Plastic Surgery and currently, only a hundred surgeons hold this title throughout Europe.
He participates as a member of the Facial Plastic Surgery Commission of the SEORL (Spanish Society of Otorhinolaryngology and Cervical-Facial Pathology), in addition to being a member of the SECPF (Spanish Society of Facial Plastic Surgery) and the EAFPS (European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery.)
In the academic field, he studied Medicine at the University of Salamanca. He later trained as a Specialist in Otorhinolaryngology at the La Paz University Hospital . This Otorhinolaryngology Service has been considered in recent years as the best in Spain according to the Health Reputation Monitor. He is also a Doctor of Medicine from the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM ) with the qualification of OUTSTANDING CUM LAUDE . He currently combines his healthcare activity as a Teaching Clinical Collaborator at said university.
Dr. Álvaro de Arriba, since finishing his residency in 2013, has been practicing at the La Paz University Hospital. Throughout this time, he has acquired extensive experience in Facial Surgery and Rhinoplasty surgery, with a special dedication to resolving highly difficult cases caused by trauma and malformations. In parallel, he has carried out his private activity within the Quirón Group and, recently, he has joined the medical team at Clínica Forcada. His private activity focuses, almost exclusively, on Rhinoplasty surgery.
Its philosophy is the search for a harmonious and natural result, comprehensively treating the aesthetic and functional aspects of the Nose. He is a specialist in Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty. This technology has been a revolution since it achieves greater precision during surgery and less bleeding. This shortens postoperative recovery.