When there is striking flaccidity with excess redundant skin at the level of the thighs, generally secondary to aging or striking weight loss, the indicated treatment is a thigh lift.
The intervention is performed with regional (spinal) or general anesthesia, lasts approximately 3 hours and an overnight hospital stay is recommended. The incision may be made on the inner thigh near the groin or it may need to be brought to the gluteal fold or even circular. The scars will be proportional to the amount of excess skin. The choice is made with the aim that the incision is placed so that the scars are as little visible as possible.
We often associate this intervention with thigh liposuction.
After surgery
The thigh lift is a safe intervention that usually obtains a high degree of satisfaction when it is well indicated. It must be taken into account that the scar is permanent and that it can widen or descend depending on individual variability when healing. The most common complication is seroma, or accumulation of lymphatic fluid that delays healing. To avoid or reduce the appearance of seroma, it is essential to wear a pressotherapy garment for 1 month and perform lymphatic drainage as indicated.