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Portada » Treatments » Breast Surgery » Breast enlargement scars

Breast enlargement scars

Currently, the incision to insert the prosthesis can be made in the submammary fold, through the lower part of the areola or in the armpit.

The incision in the undermammary fold is appropriate when this fold is very marked and the breast has an adequate shape, becoming barely visible over time.

The areola is the precise site of incision when it is necessary to reduce the size of the areola or treat deformities of the mammary gland such as tuberous breast.

Nowadays, more and more women prefer an armpit incision for breast augmentation. The scar is thus lodged outside the chest, in an axillary groove, barely perceptible months after the operation. This is the ideal incision for patients who are very concerned about the scar or who have poor quality scars and is especially indicated in patients with very little breasts in whom the breast fold is poorly defined, since the scar in the submammary fold or in the areola it will be very visible and may deteriorate the aesthetic result of the intervention.

The technique used by Doctor Forcada, for breast augmentation through the axillary route, includes the use of an endoscope to achieve greater control of the procedure and the best aesthetic results, also providing a scar away from the chest and in a barely visible location.


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Clínica Casas C/ Villabenavente, 11-1ºD León

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