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face lift

A facelift is the best technique to treat tissue sagging associated with aging in both the face and neck.

As the years go by, stress, sun exposure and the effects of gravity cause sagging of facial tissues. In this way, the eyebrows fall, giving a more tired look to the eyes. In addition, the nasolabial folds are accentuated, volume is lost in the cheekbones and “daddies” appear in the mandibular region, which causes the youthful facial shape to be lost, giving a wider and squarer appearance to the face. In turn, the neck loses its elasticity, accentuating the double chin and erasing the cervical angle. All these signs of aging cannot be treated in any other way than through a cervicofacial lift. We often associate lifting with other techniques such as blepharoplasty or malar lipofilling, resulting in comprehensive management of the signs associated with aging.

Planning the surgery

In the first consultation we will do a complete analysis of all the signs associated with aging and possible treatments will be discussed. Do not hesitate to ask us any questions you have, especially those related to your expectations and the results. Next, the state of health will be checked, including any problems that may complicate the surgery, such as high blood pressure, coagulation or healing problems. It is important that you let us know if you take any medication, especially aspirin, as it may alter your clotting.

For proper healing it is essential to stop smoking at least 2 weeks before the intervention.


The facelift is always performed in the operating room in a hospital. Anesthesia can be general or local + sedation depending on the surgery and the patient’s desire. Do not hesitate to ask any questions regarding this matter, both to Dr Forcada and to our anesthetist, Dr Sánchez. The intervention lasts between 4 and 5 hours, although it may vary depending on the areas you want to treat. The incisions are designed so that the scars are hidden by the hair or behind the ear. When the neck has to be treated, a small incision is added under the chin that is also hidden by the chin.

    Types of Lifting

    Endoscopic forehead lift:

    Through small incisions in the scalp that are subsequently covered by hair, eyebrow loss is treated and wrinkles between the eyebrows can be treated.

    Cervicofacial lift:

    It is the classic facelift and one of the most frequent interventions in our practice. Allows you to treat all the signs of
    aging of the neck and face. The scars are hidden by the hair and behind the ear.

      Middle third lifting:

      For initial cases of sagging cheekbones without other associated signs. It is made from leather
      scalp, so it can be associated with frontal lifting. It is also often associated with “lipophiling” to fill the
      malar volume.


        With current techniques, most patients who undergo a facelift feel well within 3 days, although rest is recommended for the first week. Approximately a week after the intervention, the bruises disappear and the swelling decreases, allowing you to return to work and lead a completely normal social life. It is common for areas of the face to be numb for several weeks. Full sensitivity takes time to recover.

        Intense physical sports, steam baths and saunas are not recommended during the month after surgery to reduce swelling. Starting in the second week, facial drainage will begin to improve edema resorption and accelerate recovery. It is advisable to limit sun exposure during the months after surgery.


        Although in medicine there are no absolute guarantees, in the hands of a qualified plastic surgeon the results are generally very satisfactory, with the best results being obtained in non-smoking patients with good skin elasticity and ages between 40 and 60. years.


        General Yagüe Street 13, 1ºB. Madrid 28020

        +34 91 166 70 97

        +34 625 02 64 96

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        Clínica Casas C/ Villabenavente, 11-1ºD León

        +34 91 166 70 97

        +34 625 02 64 96

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